Sunday, January 16, 2011

Top 5 Tips For Effective Labrador Training

When you begin training your Labrador retriever, it is imperative to start training at a basic stage and as soon as possible. Getting your dog to pay attention may seem like a complex task but just remember that training is very important and can make a huge difference in temperament and behavior.

#1 Introducing commands: The first step in training is to teach them their name. Use their name whenever possible, repeatedly if necessary. This can be particularly valuable when using their name in combination with other rewards. Once they relate to you speaking their name with contact, you can start teaching them the command "Come" or "Here".

Teaching a puppy to "come" can be pretty hard but do not get discouraged! Be tolerant with your puppy because especially at first, he is going to playing and when you say come he may actually run the opposite way. When your puppy obeys, they should be rewarded with treats or praise. A lot of persistence is the answer to victory.

#2 Teaching your Lab to Sit: Once you have mastered your Lab knowing his name and following the command of "Come" you can start training your dog to follow other commands. The next command that you might center on would be "Sit", which is especially basic. Use a low pitch when you speak for commands and a higher tone for praise. When you have the full attention of your dog then go ahead and begin with the "Sit" command. Hold a treat so that your dog can see it but don't give it to him until he obeys.

#3 Teaching your Lab to Lie Down: Introduce this command after your Lab has mastered the command of sitting. In a low tone, say "Lie Down" and if your dog does not lie down then move your hand with a treat in it towards the ground. The Lab should lie down and if they do then reward him with the treat but if he doesn't then repeat until he eventually follows the command and earns the treat.

#4 Teaching your Lab to Stay: This particular command is a bit more complicated than the others for some reason. You will find this to be especially true if you are offering a food reward because it is their natural instinct to come to the food. The first step is to get them into the "Sit" position. Then place a treat a couple feet in front of them. If you have a high energy dog, you can put it something like six feet away.

After they are sitting, kneel down and put your hand in front of their nose. In a calm but firm voice, say "Stay". The extended hand will lend a hand in associating the command with the hand motion. After you say "Stay", back away gradually and be ready to seize up the treat if your Labrador decides to go for it! If they obey say "OK!" and let them have the treat. Be sure to reward them with praise.

#5 Teaching your Lab to Heel: This is a tough task too. The best way to teach a Lab to "Heel" is to pull back harshly on the leash when they are pulling, sternly say "Heel". Then make your dog sit for a minute to calm down, then repeat the process. With plenty of positive reinforcement, teaching "Heel" can be much less complicated than it appears.

Training dogs in general can be a difficult task because each type of dog has different character traits and will need to be trained in a particular way but following these tips can make training a lot easier and more successful.

Tim Williams is a Labrador retriever enthusiast. He owns and maintains Labrador Retriever Answers, a resource for all Labrador retriever lovers and where you can find more great information on Labrador dog training and other retriever advice.

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